Happy Gilmore is a 1996 American sports comedy film directed by Dennis Dugan, produced by Robert Simonds, and starring Adam Sandler in the title role, Christopher McDonald, Julie …
Happy Gilmore: Directed by Dennis Dugan. With Adam Sandler, Christopher McDonald, Julie Bowen, Frances Bay. After his grandmother's house is repossessed by the IRS, a bad …
Dec 25, 2024 · Adam Sandler is returning to one of his most iconic characters: lovable golf player Happy Gilmore. Julie Bowen, Christopher McDonald, and Benito Antonio Martínez Ocasio join …
All Happy Gilmore (Adam Sandler) has ever wanted is to be a professional hockey player. But he soon discovers he may actually have a talent for playing an entirely different sport: golf.
Happy Gilmore (Adam Sandler) is an aspiring ice hockey player who possesses a powerful and dangerous slap-shot that his late father taught him as a child. However, Happy also possesses …
A fizzled hockey player takes his slap shot and violent impulses to the golf course in an attempt to win enough prize money to save his grandma’s house. Adam Sandler’s sports comedy classic …