Shatner & Koenig in "Columbo" | The Trek BBS
Mar 23, 2010 · re: Fade in to Murder (season six; 1976) Did William Shatner--who played murderer Ward Fowler in this sixth season COLUMBO episode--use his 1975 BARBARY …
Shatner/Koenig/Columbo - The Trek BBS
Mar 9, 2008 · I recently got seasons six and seven of Columbo. I watched the episode with Shatner as the actor who kills his producer lady friend. I had seen this years and years ago. …
Putting the Shatner "ego issue" from TOS to rest
Jan 1, 2013 · In the episode that Shatner played in, he represented a high-profile TV star who was highly flawed (which came out as Columbo worked his magic on him). And Shatner pulled …
Anyone Here Watch Columbo? | The Trek BBS
Sep 26, 2015 · I have been watching it recently. Its still a excellent series and holds up great for todays audiences. I have watched all the 1970s episodes and a few of the late 80s and 90s …
What are your controversial Star Trek opinions?
Jun 20, 2020 · Interestingly, Falk was not the first or even second actor to play Columbo. The first was was Bert Freed (1960, on The Chevy Mystery Show episode "Enough Rope" by Richard …
Anyone Here Watch Columbo? | Page 6 | The Trek BBS
Oct 24, 2015 · wonderful show---classic detective...one of a kind--rivals Sherlock Holmes. Iconic character.
6 Degrees of William Shatner - The Trek BBS
Dec 31, 2012 · It's 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon only we connect people to the Shat instead. Rules are simple: 1. Theatrical movies only and casting credits only. 2. IMDB, wikipedia, etc to be …
Good acting from William Shatner? - The Trek BBS
Dec 10, 2021 · TMP had flashes of the television Kirk, but only flashes. Nimoy was able to get solid performances from Shatner–more consistently that Shatner the director could get from …
The American Accent - The Trek BBS
Dec 17, 2018 · Hi guys Is it just me, or do the actors tone down the American accent (by request?) to a slightly more 'neutral' voice, compared with other TV or film? Shatner and …
Walter Koenig on Shat's Raw Nerve | The Trek BBS
Mar 10, 2011 · Host William Shatner reunites with original Star Trek actor Walter Koenig for a heated conversation. The two actors reminisce about incidents that happened on the set and …