We knew the index funds had to move a lot of Apple shares around today. My take: I didn't expect it to end like this.
From "Expect Apple to benefit from its Apple Intelligence software, says Bernstein's Toni Sacconaghi" which aired Friday on ...
From Reuters' "Russians unfazed by higher prices as iPhone pre-order demand soars" posted Friday.
Lacking the Apple Intelligence updates, early adopters seem to be there for the camera, the battery life and the Tim Cook ...
"Isn't AAPL essentially a single product company, since everything else it sells is an up-sell after a consumer buys an ...
From Lu Wang's "Apple Wins Big as $250 Billion of Index Trades Hit Wall Street" posted Friday by Bloomberg.
Thursday turned out to be big day for Apple, which gained $8.18 (3.71%) to close within $10 of its all-time high ($237.23).
From CNBC's "Dow futures are little changed after index closes above 42,000 for the first time: Live updates" posted early ...
Philip Elmer-DeWitt has been covering Apple since 1983 — mostly for Time Magazine (28 years), later for Fortune (9 years), where he wrote a daily blog called Apple 2.0. Apple 3.0 Archives Apple 3.0 ...
A Worthy iPhone Upgrade, No AI Necessary" posted Tuesday by the Wall Street Journal.
"Apple will analyze the data once a month and then notify people if they show consistent signs of severe or moderate sleep ...