Discover real experiences from our bipolar community on the potential benefits and challenges of ketogenic therapy for mood ...
When you live in a perpetual hypomanic haze — as I did for years — it’s hard to know whether you’re simply feeling a natural high or if you’re on the verge of a manic “breakdown.” Over the years, I’ve ...
As a workaholic and a parent of three young children, I struggled with the concept of meditation at first. It can feel a bit foreign or awkward to sit in a room, alone, with your eyes closed. Plus, ...
“Red flags” can alert you when your friend with bipolar disorder may be slipping into depression or mania. What are these bipolar red flags, how do you spot them, and what do you do next? A red flag, ...
The mood swings between depression and mania that characterize bipolar disorder typically occur along a continuum, with a high frequency of days with mood swings that are not necessarily extreme ...
If a partner with bipolar disorder cheats, it’s important to distinguish what the underlying cause is — relationship problems or hypersexuality. I was standing next to my partner’s hospital bed when ...
Does your bipolar mania impact your finances over the holidays? Here are some ways to resist overspending and manage your money. Over the holidays, we shop for gifts, buy food for parties — and don’t ...
Lack of sleep has triggered hospitalizations, so I monitor my sleep carefully. Without enough rest, I feel worn out and lose my ability to act rationally. I just can’t compete in the “sleep-stakes”: ...
Sometimes, a gradual buildup of symptoms and slight changes preceding a mood episode is obvious only after the fact. Here’s what to watch out for. Managing a complex, brain-based mood disorder like ...
Impulsivity, a common symptom of bipolar disorder, can be tricky to manage. Here are some strategies to dial back reckless urges and prevent their often-negative consequences. Rash, in-the-moment ...
While there may be aspects of bipolar’s hypomania that are more enjoyable than depression, it’s important to remember to keep impulsivity under control. Whenever I have hypomanic episodes, they are ...