On March 13, Liberty Utilities filed proposed tariff sheets to increase its annual revenues by a total of $7,990,089 in annual water revenues and an additional $75,178 in annual sewer revenues. That ...
New teachers at Aurora High School for the 2024-25 academic year include: (L-r) Logan Lauffer, Cameron Garcia, Heath Fortson, Colton Lee, Jessica Chappell, Jason Chappell, Wendee Wessell, Chelsea ...
Aurora City Manager Jon Holmes gave the following department reports at the Sept. 10 meeting of the Aurora City Council. Police • By utilizing a DWI enforcement grant, which pays for overtime for ...
The Missouri Public Transit Association (MPTA) recognized Aurora transit operator Rick Painter, of OATS Transit, at the 2024 Missouri Transit Conference, held in St. Louis the first week of September.
(Editor’s note: This is the 38th installment of a 52-week series based on the devotion “My Utmost for His Highest” by Oswald Chambers.) Simplicity is the secret to seeing things clearly. A saint does ...
On Friday, Sept. 4, in the challenge to the Certification of Amendment 3 for the November ballot, Cole County Judge Christopher Limbaugh, found that the proponents of Amendment 3 “…purposely decided ...
Ezekiel 37:1-14 is a vision that the Prophet Ezekiel had. In it, he was taken by the Spirit to a valley and asked, what do you see?  Bryan Cook He saw bones of people as far as he could see and ...