As she lies in the bed that we have come to know as hers, her father, with love and devotion, brushes her long, dark hair before tying it into braids with colourful ribbons that she will never see.
Varicella, known as chickenpox, is caused by the varicella zoster virus (VZV), with an estimated 84 million cases annually. It primarily affects children, for most of whom it is a self-limiting ...
Objectives The NHS is committed to providing high quality, equitable, effective healthcare services that are responsive to all patients’ needs. 1 Audit aim: Assess adherence to offering interpretation ...
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1 Academic Department of Paediatrics, National University of Ireland Galway, Galway, Ireland 2 Department of Radiology, Galway University Hospital, National University of Ireland Galway, Galway, ...
Objectives Babies born to mothers living in more deprived areas are at a higher risk of dying during the neonatal period. 1 Pre-term and unwell term babies are cared for in neonatal intensive units ...
Background Children and young people (CYP) with asthma in the UK are at higher risk of poor outcomes compared with other high-income European countries due to factors including poor access to ...
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Background The newborn and infant physical examination (NIPE) screening programme screens newborn babies within 72 hours of birth in England for congenital heart disease, congenital cataracts, ...
AIM To test the hypothesis that overall intelligence quotient (IQ) is decreased in patients with Aarskog syndrome. METHODS 21 boys under 17 years of age with a confirmed clinical diagnosis of Aarskog ...
Nursing Clinical handover(CH) is a crucial point of vulnerability in patient care that can lead to errors and/or adverse events if incomplete or inaccurate (Department of health 2015, Manias et al ...
Previous histories presented at this meeting have separately covered individuals, institutions, specialities, subspecialties, and technology in the evolution of paediatrics and child health care. Dr ...