In one analysis, 16% of men with no suspicious lesions on MRI had clinically significant prostate cancer identified after ...
Researchers conducted a post hoc, retrospective, cross-sectional analysis of 182 patients with recurrent prostate cancer ...
Researchers say they have been encouraged by trials of a new process to detect prostate cancer in men. It is hoped that the ...
Overall, PSMA-PET/CT detected distant metastasis in 84 of 182 cases (46%) that were negative by other types of imaging, ...
Researchers shed light on the genes that could be linked to the high mortality rates of prostate cancer among men of African ...
Prostate cancer imaging developed by university researchers has shown “extremely encouraging” results in its first clinical ...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was released from hospital on Thursday after his prostate surgery ended ...
An ultrasound test that takes less than 20 minutes could improve the accuracy of prostate cancer diagnosis, scientists say.
Keck Medicine of USC is participating in a national, multisite clinical trial examining if a water vapor system that uses ...
Prostate-specific membrane antigen-positron emission tomography (PSMA-PET) frequently detects metastatic disease missed by conventional imaging, investigators report.
Participation in the 340B Drug Pricing Program does not increase the use of targeted therapy in older patients with advanced prostate cancer, a study suggests.
A growing array of pharmaceutical options has investigators trying to figure out which drugs and drug combinations are the ...