Four renowned Bollywood celebrities Kapil Sharma, Rajpal Yadav, choreographer Remo D'Souza, and actor-singer Sugandha Mishra are reported to have received death threats allegedly originating ...
While people are still unable to digest and overcome the Saif Ali Khan stabbing incident, reports of comedian-actor Kapil ...
Popular comedian and TV host Kapil Sharma has reportedly received death threats, prompting an investigation by local authorities.
Based on the complaints lodged by the celebrities, a case has been registered under section 351(3) of BNS at Amboli and Oshiwara police stations. As per Initial investigations, the Internet Protocol ...
Mumbai: A bomb threat email received by an international school in Andheri (W) prompted immediate closure and early dismissal of students on Thursday. Ryan Global School notified Oshiwara police, who ...
Jaaved Jaaferi will be seen sharing screen space with Shweta Basu Prasad and Ashim Gulati in a new series titled 'Oops! Ab Kya?'. Directed by Prem Mistry and Debatma Mandal and produced by Dice Media, ...
The Delhi High Court has set aside a final order of penalty passed by the Customs Department against a paper trader for ...
The repeated attempts to attack Salman, murder of Baba Siddhi, and theft at Saif's house and the attack on him are signs that the fear of the underworld is again visible in Bollywood.