Darba un ceļošanas apvienošana nav vien sapnis, bet gan realitāte stjuartu profesijā, taču pirms tam ir jāiziet nopietnas apmācības, vēsta Latvijas Universitātes Ekonomikas un sociālo zinātņu fakultāt ...
"airBaltic" ir dinamiska darba vieta, kurā satiekas vairāk nekā 30 tautību darbinieki. Ikkatrs no mums ar savām zināšanām un aizrautību veido mūsu veiksmes stāstu. Darbs "airBaltic" nozīmē strādāt ...
"Pusmiljarda nodokļu maksātāju naudas pazaudēšana (pamatkapitāla samazināšana uzņēmuma zaudējumu rezultātā) nav nekāds noziegums, bet šo zaudējumu publiskošana, apspriešana un jautājumu uzdošana par t ...
The Latvian airline airBaltic has officially become the first European airline to introduce SpaceX’s Starlink high-speed internet for free onboard its Airbus A220-300 fleet – with certification ...
"Kā "airBaltic" investors "Lufthansa grupa" kļūs ne tikai par ... Premjere LTV raidījumā "Panorāma" ceturtdienas vakarā uzsvēra, ka ir ieguldīts liels darbs, lai šis līgums tiktu noslēgts. Tas, ka ...
Lufthansa has finally firmed up its acquisition of a 10% stake in Riga-based Latvian flag carrier airBaltic. The move, which was announced on Wednesday evening, follows rumors of the same that ...
Lufthansa Group will take a 10% stake in airBaltic for EUR14 million, in the form of convertible shares, and a supervisory board seat. Subject to competition authority approval, the deal is expected ...
Next, I arrived at Vilnius Airport to board the airBaltic A220 flight to Riga. The pilot kindly showed the cockpit of the A220 and discussed the winter operation. Before departure, de-icing ...
Lufthansa Group has agreed to invest €14 million in AirBaltic for a convertible share representing a 10 percent stake in the Latvia-based carrier, the companies announced Wednesday. Lufthansa also ...
Lufthansa Group has signed an agreement to receive a convertible share representing a 10 per cent stake of the Latvian state airline airBaltic which will be issued at a subscription price of 14 ...