Grab your coffee and get ready to test your TV knowledge as Tony Katzgears up to play 'What's That TV Theme Song?' on 93.1 ...
Taylor Swift wore a snake necklace to accept an award on Monday, possibly hinting that "Reputation (Taylor's Version)" is coming soon.
Let’s take a closer look at what’s new! WhatsApp users can now personalize their chat experience with colourful themes. Previously, users had limited options to customize their chat ...
BELOW is a list of snooker World Champions by year. The record is for the modern era, widely considered as dating from the 1968-69 season, when the World Professional Billiards and Snooker ...
SNOOKER star Stuart Bingham was left grimacing after awkwardly injuring himself during a shot at the table. But the Brit overcame the pain to complete a stunning comeback to beat Mark Selby 5-4 in ...
TV prices are constantly fluctuating, so it can be very hard to figure out what are the genuine best deals on the best sets. That's where we come in. We're constantly tracking the prices of the best ...
Another element generating plenty of conversation is season 3's polarising new theme music, which some viewers feel isn't up to par with that of the previous two chapters. In fairness, there was a ...
A non-exhaustive list of FOSS GUI themes developed for qBittorrent by the community. They are provided on a best-effort basis as a community initiative and not officially supported. Issues with the ...
The minute-long ad features McCartney and Wings playing snooker at a house in West London. During the promo, snippets of five different tracks from Venus and Mars play in the background.
The best 65-inch TVs are the ideal way to get fully immersed in movies and games. They've become so much more more affordable in the last few years, which means you can get some seriously high ...
READ MORE: Shaun Murphy shows his true colours with act that costs snooker star opening frame at World Grand Prix READ MORE: I'm the King of the Crucible there is one man I wouldn't write off for ...