Never heard of a Mamertine before? Fear not — this is Rome's entire history, start to finish. But the real question is: How often do you think about the Roman Empire? LOTR: Why Didn't Saruman ...
The Roman empire was at its height when a deadly disease caused devastation to its population, economy and military prowess.
These events are told by two historians, Tacitus (Agricola 14-17; Annals 14:29-39) and Dio Cassius (Roman History 62:1-12).
The Romans met a large army of Britons, under the Catuvellauni kings Caratacus and his brother Togodumnus, on the River Medway, Kent. The Britons were defeated in a two-day battle, then again ...
Edward Watts, a professor of history at the University of California, San Diego, delivered a lecture this past Wednesday ...
1200 A.D. (5950) The Church of the East is at its largest, larger than the Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic combined, with eighty million members, from Egypt to Japan. 1250 A.D. (6000) The Paradise ...
New research suggests that the Romans defeated the Jewish rebels at Masada much more quickly than scholars previously assumed ...
Many are associated with centres of tribal power, trade with the Roman world and rich burials. Examples include Colchester, St Albans and Silchester in southern England. By the time of the Roman ...
An exhibition outlines 19th-century artist Guillaume Lethière’s connection to his birthplace, mixed-race heritage, and the politics of revolution.
23-79 A.D. Pliny, the Roman writer of Natural History, counsels his readers to refrain from sex to avoid pregnancy. He is the first known advocate of abstinence as a form of birth control.
The complete timeline of Vinesh Phogat's week ... this summer's festivities by reflecting on top terms related to the history of the Games. Japan claimed two of Friday's three freestyle wrestling ...