You can narrow your search for a property manager in your area by going through the National Association of Residential ...
Greystar Real Estate Partners, Bozzuto management and Rose Associates are linked to lawsuits alleging a nationwide conspiracy ...
"Property Brothers" Drew and Jonathan Scott's company is expanding its consumer products business with launch of new brand ...
Over the last few years, we’ve heard of multiple issues from tenants living in apartments owned by the Miami-based Tzadik ...
Henrik Kjellberg, who has been CEO of UK-based property management company Awaze since 2018, left the company Friday.
The owner of a property management company has been arrested and is accused of defrauding dozens of clients who owned ...
Tzadik then pays a utility management company, Conservice. The orange notices on select tenant doors came from MidAmerican Energy Co. and said the gas would be disconnected Feb. 3 if not ...
Alabama real estate firm increases billion-dollar property portfolio from 15,000 units to over 23,000 units with Cupertino ...
Denver has closed an apartment building in the city's Uptown neighborhood because there is no longer heat, hot water, or ...
The owner of a property management company has been arrested and is accused of defrauding dozens of clients who owned properties around Pasco County.
Alluvial Fund completed the year in quiet fashion, rising 0.7%, ahead of the Russell 2000 (RTY). Click here to read the full ...