Avengers Assemble is created by writer Steve Orlando, penciled by José Luis Soares Pinto, inked by Oren Junior, colored by ...
Captain America, She-Hulk, and Valkyrie are among the strongest Avengers with unique powers. Characters like Nova, Storm, and Sentry possess incredible strength and unbelievable feats in the ...
Kang will recruit Kang variants from other realities to help him fight the Avengers. We’ll meet Nathanial ... Outside of work, you’ll catch him streaming new movies and TV shows, or training ...
New Champions #2, by writer Steve Foxe, artists Ivan Fiorelli and Ig Guara, colorist Arthur Hesli, and letterer Travis Lanham ...
Nintendo revealed a bunch of new details about Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition this morning, alongside a new trailer. When the game arrives on March 20th, there will be a special ...
Take advantage of this limited time to grab the Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Collector's Edition and all the extra perks.
Avengers Campus at Disney California Adventure will be getting a third and fourth attraction, and Robert Downey Jr. is returning as Tony Stark for both of them. We also recently learned Downey Jr.
By Emma G. Fitzsimmons The executive director of the New York City Board of Elections made inappropriate sexual and racial remarks toward two employees over a period of several months, a watchdog ...