In a bizarre turn of events in Madhya Pradesh’s Panna district, a man was slapped with a Rs 300 fine for not wearing a helmet—while walking. Yes, you read that right: a pedestrian fined for ...
The Hindustan Times also noted that during Indian Foreign Secretary Vikram Misri's visit to Dhaka last month, discussions focused on charting a constructive path forward in bilateral relations.
New Delhi, however, maintained it was the responsibility of the interim government to ensure the welfare of Hindus and all the minorities in Bangladesh and it was also communicated to Yunus by India’s ...
In a major development in the Nimisha Priya case, the Kerala nurse who faces death sentence in Yemen over murder charges, a senior Iranian officer on Thursday said that it is willing to offer ...
New Delhi [India], January 2 (ANI): Foreign Secretary Vikram Misri visited the US Embassy in New Delhi on Thursday to offer his condolences on the passing away of former United States President ...