Over 4,000 cars have been impounded since multiple law enforcement agencies joined forces last year to conduct ghost license plate operations on New York City roadways, ...
By Dec. 31, 2025, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority will end the sale and distribution of MetroCards. Here's what it ...
The New York Attorney General’s Office of Special Investigation (OSI) has launched an investigation into the death of a ...
Zavion Mitchell, 20, of Gordon Street in Stapleton, jumped a turnstile Oct. 22, during the evening rush, and was then accused ...
Alfred “Al" Labrada resigned from the LAPD amid accusations he tracked a former romantic partner with an AirTag. He denied ...
Assemblyman Charles D. Fall recognized NYPD, Port Authority, New York State Police, and MTA Police for their service and ...
FBI Probes Alleged Arson Fire At NJ Home Of Bayer Exec: Report A suspicious fire that broke out at the New Jersey home of a pharmaceutical company executive earlier this week is under investigation by ...
Officials are recommending that drivers use Pond Road as an alternate route to avoid the closure. MTA police will be on site to ensure safety while the crossing is shut down.
The Maple Grove Lions Club donated $25,000 to the police department to help buy new badges and patches for department uniforms. “We believe that these are important symbols of our agency that ...