At the Mountains of Madness Deluxe Edition is a 626-page hardcover adaptation of the classic Lovecraft novella.
We still don’t know when or where Spider-Man and Daredevil will cross paths in the MCU, but a new fan-made poster for ...
Kourtney Hay incorporates ephemera and objects in her layered mixed media paintings that speak to her interests and women’s ...
Cradle of Filth frontman Dani Filth is a horror enthusiast and, here, he shares his five favorite stories by H.P. Lovecraft.
Acclaimed photographer Joel Meyerowitz and artist Maggie Barrett have been in a creatively rich relationship for 30 years.
A talented Pokemon fan designs six horror-themed versions of Bulbasaur, the popular Grass-type starter from the franchise's ...
A Pokemon fan artist crafts Chimchar, Monferno, and Infernape as crochet dolls and shares their handiwork with their fellow ...
W e’re just a few months away from the big screen debut of the new DC Universe with James Gunn’s upcoming Superman movie.
We've never really thought about what a Robert Eggers and James Cameron collaboration would look like. That is, until the bizarre, Lovecraftian horror sci-fi mash-up Cold Skin came across the screen.
Huge Aston Villa fan Lewis Jukes, just 10, was having issues with his vision earlier this year when one of his eyes kept moving to the side. Mum Leanne took her son, who was also suffering headaches, ...
Loosely based on the short story “Herbert West-Reanimator” by H.P. Lovecraft, the film delves ... niche audience in horror and science fiction fans alike through the brilliant performance ...
H.P. Lovecraft Be it a work of fiction or a story based on reality, the movie falls to the ground if the climax fails. On the contrary, a well-executed climax can leave an indelible mark on viewers.