Slafkovsky scored a goal on two shots, added four hits and blocked two shots in Tuesday's 4-0 win over the Hurricanes.
Juraj Slafkovsky knows what he has to do to feel good about himself and to help the Montreal Canadiens going forward.
Juraj Slafkovsky had a big game. He helped the Canadiens beat the Senators by playing well. Or by playing like Brady Tkachuk, ...
Slafkovský had a game Saturday in Ottawa that exemplified everything the Canadiens hope he can become when they are ready to ...
Tonight against the Senators, Juraj Slafkovsky played a very good game. Probably his best game of the season. In the second ...
Slafkovsky scored a goal on five shots, racked up eight hits and added a fighting major in Saturday's 5-2 win over the Senators. Slafkovsky showed some power-winger potential with this performance. He ...
Minister školstva Tomáš Drucker (Hlas-SD) plánuje zmeniť systém ospravedlňovania absencie detí na školách. Foto: TASR/Martin Baumann Podľa Druckera niektorým rodičom "zrejme nezáleží na vzdelaní ich ...
If Laine moves up to the first line, it would mean Juraj Slafkovsky moves down with Kirby Dach, which could actually be a good thing. They've already shown great chemistry together. If the second ...
Another positive was that Slafkovsky seemed less hesitant to use his heavy shot. His one assist was because he used his shot, as he hit the crossbar before Carrier found Dvorak for the Habs to cut ...
BRATISLAVA. Nie každý má vo zvyku stráviť dovolenku na Slovensku. Tento a podobné dôvody spôsobujú, že množstvo rekreačných poukazov každý rok nikto nevyužije. Mohlo by sa to zmeniť. Od začiatku roka ...
Trojročné dieťa zomrelo na následky zranení, ktoré utrpelo pri požiari bytu v meste Nice na juhu Francúzska, uviedla v nedeľu polícia. TASR informuje na základe správy agentúry DPA. Požiar bytu na ...
7. februára sa v Barker Hangar na letisku v Santa Monice odovzdávali ceny Critics' Choice Awards. Ide o ocenenia kritikov pre najlepšiu filmovú tvorbu a televízne programy. Podujatia sa zúčastnili ...