Juraj Slafkovsky knows what he has to do to feel good about himself and to help the Montreal Canadiens going forward. Speaking to the media after the Habs' 5-2 win over the Ottawa Senators ...
Juraj Slafkovsky knows what he has to do to feel good about himself and to help the Montreal Canadiens going forward. Speaking to the media after the Habs' 5-2 win over the Ottawa Senators, the young ...
Juraj Slafkovsky joins Shawn McKenzie to discuss his mindset coming out of the time off, what led to his physically dominant game, how he tries to take something away from every top player from ...
Juraj Slafkovsky shakes hands with NHL commissioner Gary Bettman after being selected as the number one overall pick to the Montreal Canadiens in the first round of the 2022 NHL Draft. USA TODAY ...
Jednotka draftu 2022 Juraj Slafkovský aj vo svojej tretej sezóne v Montreal Canadiens píše exkluzívny blog pre NHL.com/sk, v ktorom sa s čitateľmi delí o ...
Juraj Slafkovský napriek tomu spokojný zďaleka nie je. Aké sú podľa neho šance, že sa Slovensko predstaví na nadchádzajúcom Svetovom pohári? „Ešte nie som tam, kde by som chcel byť. Hlavne po minulej ...