Bishop Joanne Grenfell, the Church’s safeguarding lead, had put forward a motion to the General Synod for a new model which would have seen all Church-employed safeguarding officers transferred ...
The Bishop of Stepney, Dr Joanne Grenfell, who is lead bishop for safeguarding, had put forward a motion to the General Synod for all Church-employed safeguarding officers to be transferred to a ...
Presenting the first of the codes, the Bishop of Stepney, Dr Joanne Grenfell (Southern Suffragans), the lead bishop for safeguarding, said that codification would give the processes for managing ...
The Bishop of Stepney, Joanne Grenfell, was speaking from her office in east London ahead of a crucial meeting of the Church's General Synod, which starts on Monday. She will present a roadmap to ...
Echoing this, lead safeguarding bishop, Joanne Grenfell, who put forward model four to be debated and voted on, said, while “much has changed and improved” on safeguarding, the Church must li ...
The Church’s lead bishop for safeguarding, Bishop of Stepney, Joanne Grenfell said she had committed to make progress “with all possible speed” but also noted “the Wilkinson recommendation ...
Bishop Joanne Grenfell, the Church’s safeguarding lead, had put forward a motion to the General Synod for a new model which would have seen all Church-employed safeguarding officers transferred to a ...