B. syrtos, which boasted razor-sharp teeth and a powerful jaw, belonged to an extinct group of meat-eating mammals called ...
Hyainailourinae means Hyena-cats, and these more feline-like creatures first appeared in Africa about 47 million years ago.
They boasted sharp hyena-like teeth and stalked African ecosystems hunting for primates, early hippos, early elephants, and beaver-like hyraxes in the forests southwest of modern Cairo.
In life, the Bastetodon was leopard-sized with a short, cat-like snout, hyena-like teeth and a dog-like body. The discovery of the most complete skull ever found belonging to the hyaenodonta ...
A member of the extinct order of Hyaenodonta (which means “hyena teeth”), this fearsome meat-eater received the name Bastetodon syrtos—an allusion to the Ancient Egyptian lion-headed goddess ...
a species thought to have feeding adaptations similar to modern hyenas. Interestingly, Hyaenodon showed increased bite efficiency with worn teeth, though the researchers believe this adaptation ...
These predators with hyena-like teeth hunted in African ecosystems after the extinction of the dinosaurs. The team – who go under the title ‘Sallam Lab’ – named the specimen after the cat ...
The fossil mammal’s body mass, Werdelin notes, would have been comparable to that of a striped hyena or small female leopard. The teeth of Bastetodon show the prehistoric mammal’s ability to ...
dogs and hyenas. These ancient crocodile mummies are so well-preserved, they almost look alive Because of its cat-like teeth structure, the team decided to call it Bastetodon, after the cat-headed ...
Hyenas are built for endurance — their large ... The acidic fluids in their stomachs can digest skin, hair, bone and even teeth. The plains of the Mara echo with the squeals and greeting whoops ...
Gordon with hyenas in the graveyard in Harar – spotted hyenas have special teeth adapted for crunching bones. Gordon with Bodi spiritual leader Baradhi and daughter Choma, laughing about whether ...
These predators with hyena-like teeth hunted in African ecosystems after the extinction of the dinosaurs. The team—who go under the title "Sallam Lab"—named the specimen after the cat-headed ...