Hedgehog Street is a campaign run by the People's Trust for Endangered Species and the British Hedgehog Preservation Society. It encourages people to champion and help the once-common garden ...
According to Hedgehog Street, a UK-based conservation initiative, hedgehogs travel an average of one mile every night through our parks and gardens in search of food and a mate. Hedgehog highways ...
The BHPS is also urging people to become a 'hedgehog champion' for their area with Hedgehog Street, a project run by BHPS and People’s Trust for Endangered Species.
The Hedgehog Friendly Campus team will be litter picking at the green space on the corner of Grove and Oxford Street (next to the children’s centre) on the University’s campus, to help create a safer ...
The BHPS is also urging people to become a 'hedgehog champion' for their area with Hedgehog Street, a project run by BHPS and People’s Trust for Endangered Species.
Log your hedgehog sightings on the Hedgehog Street website so we can build a clearer picture of where these animals are. These videos are simple guides on how to help wildlife in your garden.