Your life may revolve around your Gmail, Google Drive, Google Photos, and YouTube, but you can be banned from using them.
A small change to Google Contacts for Android makes explicit the current backup and sync status, while tweaking the account menu.
Ever wondered when your Google account came into existence? It's surprisingly tricky to pinpoint that date, but there’s a ...
Google's Threat Intelligence Group warned Wednesday that Russia's GRU military intelligence is hacking Signal accounts used ...
As with Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, and almost every other payment app, Google Wallet doesn't transfer your actual credit card ...
Google will automatically opt out all advertiser accounts from showing ads on parked domains, reversing its previous default opt-in approach.
Learn more about the privacy flaw on YouTube discovered by cybersecurity research that left millions of accounts vulnerable.
A now-patched exploit allowed researchers to reveal users' Google email addresses by combining flaws in YouTube and Pixel ...
An app so basic and everyday, you might never think it could be used to channel malware in your direction. But with millions ...
A new machine learning model will analyze a user’s search activity, YouTube history, and account age to spot kids who are ...
Those who click the link unknowingly enable an attack that grants a third-party app access to their X account, allowing the ...
Google announced it in November and now the timetable for the forced switch to multi-factor authentication for Google ...