Dealing with a beast of an entirely different nature, “The Friend” stars Naomi Watts as a writer grieving her mentor (Bill ...
Big dogs often get a bad rap just for their size, but don't let the bulk fool you. Behind those massive frames are hearts ...
Spring has sprung, and with it comes a fresh bouquet of offerings at the local cineplex. While not summer blockbuster season just yet, this spring’s movie lineup includes some big titles. Here ...
Spring has sprung, and with it comes a fresh bouquet of offerings at the local cineplex. While not summer blockbuster season just yet, this spring’s movie lineup includes some big titles. Here’s a ...
A sometimes thrilling, often silly genre mashup featuring Paul Rudd and Jenna Ortega, this movie trots a path between fantastical mystery, creature feature and gross-out gore flick. With some ...