Earth's unusual orbit through hot and cold conditions tests the limits of tolerability for any known lifeforms.
UK researchers have confirmed the existence of a “super Earth” located 20 light-years away that could reveal the existence of ...
Some 500 light-years away, a giant gas planet named WASP-127b is caught in a cosmic tempest. Winds howl across its equator at ...
Massive hidden structures in Earth's mantle, called LLSVPs, shape tectonic activity, drive volcanoes, and reveal ancient ...
"The Hubble tension is now a Hubble crisis." The mystery of the Hubble tension has deepened with the startling finding that ...
Grand cosmic events demand electrons to reach relativistic speeds. A new study explains where they get their initial energy ...
Jaw-dropping pictures show Venus dazzling in the darkness tonight as a rare cosmic phenomena takes place. The planet could be seen floating above the moon from some parts of the UK just hours ...
The best meteor shower of the year will be happening tonight as the annual Quadrantid takes place in the skies above the UK. Considered one of the most impressive annual meteor shower by Nasa, the ...
Astronomers have discovered a rare group of five dwarf galaxies located relatively close to Earth; these galaxies exist in a near-perfect alignment, resembling a string of cosmic pearls in the sky.
Connecting the cosmic dots As mentioned, the ΛCDM model fails to account for certain phenomena based on recent observations. These include the disagreement between direct and indirect ...
For this study, the researchers used the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope. The spectrograph measured how light from nine distant quasars—ultra-bright sources of light in ...