We have collected some frequently asked questions and their answers on this site. Please acquaint yourself with these questions and answers. Bachelor’s programme: University of Helsinki offers one ...
M.Sc. Juha Harvainen defends his PhD thesis on Advances in Sampling and Counting Bipartite Matchings and Directed Acyclic Graphs. The thesis is related to research done in the Department of Computer ...
The five intriguing open online courses include topics such as: Pedagogical approaches to competence-based curriculum 21st century skills in learning and teaching in align with CBC Technology-enhanced ...
Sekä Helsingin yliopistossa että Amsterdam UMC:ssä väitöskirjaa tekevän Parisa Mapar kehittää algoritmejä, joiden avulla voidaan analysoida verinäytteistä löytyvää kasvainten DNA:ta. Parisa Mapar: ...
Tämä on Helsingin yliopisto Strategia, talous ja laatu Kestävyys ja vastuullisuus Ura ja avoimet työpaikat Ihmiset Arkistopalvelut ja kirjaamo Tietojen käsittely yliopistolla Vuokraa tila Tule ...
This autumn, we welcomed four new students to the FIMM-EMBL International PhD Programme. Recruited at the institute level, the students begin with a rotational period before choosing the research ...
The Snellman Group's pet food business joined the fundraising campaign of the DogRisk research group by donating 100,000 euros to the study of dogs' eating habits. The donation will support research ...
One of the main issues in EdTech today is the lack of evidence — specifically, whether a solution improves learning outcomes and how. To address this challenge, Helsinki Education Hub (HEH) has ...
Associate professor Sara Serbati from University of Padova will give a speech via Zoom on the 12th of November 10-11.30 am with the title How to change practices and policy with practice research?
Sisätautiopin professori Hannele Yki-Järviselle on myönnetty Novo Nordisk -säätiön vuoden 2024 Jacobæus-palkinto. Palkinto myönnettiin vuosikymmenien mittaisesta uraauurtavasta tutkimustyöstä, jolla ...
Climate change is intensifying droughts, posing risks to agricultural sectors. The dairy industry, a major contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions, is particularly vulnerable. COVERE² project ...
Researcher Justice Medzani arrived in Harare in early 2024, ready to immerse himself in the intricate social fabric of Zimbabwe's bustling capital, keen to observe and document the subtleties of ...