Did you know you lose 50% of your body heat through your belly? No? That’s because it’s not true. But you could be forgiven for thinking that was the belief among a certain segment of Chinese society, ...
As we predicted back in October, the Beijing-based bike sharing pioneer Ofo is wobbling on its last kickstand. Here are signs the end is near: One, every sidewalk is littered – one might even say ...
Though some seem to still hold fast to traditional values in regards to women’s rights, others are increasingly fighting back After a netizen made sarcastic remarks about 61-year-old dancer Yang ...
Though Darlie's English name changed in the 1980s, its racially-charged Chinese name has remained intact until today Darlie, the Chinese toothpaste brand infamous for its blackface packaging, will ...
Some might say this is dangerous. I say nah. This is just another day in the life of a boss who’s got somewhere to be, and lots of boxes that need to get there. She’s got this.
Take a look inside UFC's massive, 9,000-square meter training facility, which just opened in Shanghai this past week In a country with some of the oldest martial arts traditions known to man, does ...
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]In America, laying on the car horn is a driver’s sure way of saying one of two things: 1) “You’re an asshole”; 2) “I’m an asshole.” I’ve found it’s a little more ...
Sweet spinning robots! Beijing-based startup Vincross has just launched a Kickstarter campaign for its flagship product, HEXA, which is described as a “Programmable, Highly Maneuverable Robot.” In ...
In Shanghai, a new wave is sweeping the city — sorting garbage. The unexpected trend comes about as a result of the new Domestic Waste Management Law, which went into effect on July 1st. The law ...