The history of life on Earth is a tale of slow burns and sudden explosions, shaped by environmental upheavals and ...
From the flamboyant blossoms and birds of rainforests to the living rainbows of coral reefs, Earth’s surface is teeming with ...
Earth ejecta, for instance, could hold Earth life.
Caltech scientists published a study using NASA Curiosity rover imagery showing the past existence of warm water on Mars.
Foraminifera, though eukaryotic, have adapted to use chemoautotrophy to enable them to survive where oxygen and sunlight are ...
The author of the latest read for the New Scientist Book Club on the science that lies behind his novel Alien Clay, set on a ...
This week, uncover some of the oldest ice on Earth, follow a dinosaur highway, learn how Pluto sealed the capture of its moon ...
Heat Absorption Oceans play a crucial role in absorbing excess heat generated by greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, they take ...
Carrying a rifle and keeping an alcohol-ration card are a few things that surprised me about living in Longyearbyen, the ...
The University of Kentucky College of Design is partnering with New York-based nonprofit organization The World Around (TWA) ...