Pirmdien, 3. martā, sākas balsošana par Latvijas Radio 2 popa un roka dziesmu aptaujas "Muzikālā banka" 2025. gada sezonas ...
Šādi viņš skaidroja, kāpēc e-pasta vēstuli par "airBaltic" nepieciešamajiem ieguldījumiem lidsabiedrības padome bija sūtījusi premjerministrei Evikai Siliņai (JV), nevis satiksmes ministram.
Darba un ceļošanas apvienošana nav vien sapnis, bet gan realitāte stjuartu profesijā, taču pirms tam ir jāiziet nopietnas apmācības, vēsta Latvijas Universitātes Ekonomikas un sociālo zinātņu fakultāt ...
Ja vēlies ietaupīt arī uz nākamās ziemas rēķina, šobrīd ir īstais brīdis apskatīt jaunas ziemas riepas. Klusajā starpsezonā ...
"Pusmiljarda nodokļu maksātāju naudas pazaudēšana (pamatkapitāla samazināšana uzņēmuma zaudējumu rezultātā) nav nekāds ...
RIGA - On February 11, at the airBaltic shareholders' meeting, Andrejs Martinovs and Lars Mydland were elected as Supervisory Board members of the company. Andrejs Martinovs will serve as the chairman ...
Lufthansa Group will take a 10% stake in airBaltic for EUR14 million, in the form of convertible shares, and a supervisory board seat. Subject to competition authority approval, the deal is expected ...
DALLAS — airBaltic (BT) unveils its 50th Airbus A220-300, a milestone celebrated at the aircraft manufacturer's Mirabel plant. The event was also an excellent opportunity to pay tribute to the ...
At a special ceremony in Mirabel, Canada, representatives from airBaltic and Airbus gathered for the official unveiling of the carrier’s newest and 50 th A220-300. As the launch customer of the Airbus ...
Lufthansa Group has signed an agreement to receive a convertible share representing a 10 per cent stake of the Latvian state airline airBaltic which will be issued at a subscription price of 14 ...
Germany's Lufthansa is continuing its efforts to consolidate its airline business across Europe. Following investments in airBaltic and ITA Airways, the German flag carrier is now reportedly seeking a ...
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