This means cruisers will spend less time waiting to get off their ships and more time photographing waddling gentoo penguins and gigantic Weddell seals ashore ... and feature the Blue Eye — the only ...
Polynesians might have been the first humans to lay eyes on Antarctica – 7th-century oral ... Orcas, humpback whales, leopard seals, elephant seals and Weddell seals (the most southerly land-breeding ...
About a foot taller than the rockhoppers, they sport a “white bonnet” that runs from eye to eye ... and spotted an ice floe with two Weddell seals, lazily basking in the sun.
This means cruisers will spend less time waiting to get off their ships and more time photographing waddling gentoo penguins and gigantic Weddell seals ashore ... the Blue Eye – the only ...
A team of scientists with the Sea Mammal Research Unit, School of Biology, University of St Andrews, in the U.K. has found ...
A harp seal dubbed Polaris was rescued by Whale and Dolphin Conservation last month at Nantasket Beach in Hull.
Rhythmic clicks, grunts and roars fill the Año Nuevo Island Reserve in California, home to a large breeding colony of ...
Marine mammals can hold their breath for extended periods underwater; the question is, how do they know when it's time to resurface?
During the operation, conducted from 8am to 2pm in all the districts on the directions of director general of police (DGP) Gaurav Yadav, all the senior superintendents of police (SSPs) of border ...
It cracked off from continental Antarctica in 1986 and got stuck in the Weddell Sea ... the effects A23a could have on South Georgia's seals and penguins, although huge chunks of ice in the ...