Ihr wollt Die Rache der Sith nochmal im Kino erleben? Im April 2025 haben Star-Wars-Fans tatsächlich die Möglichkeit dazu!
Osgood Perkins, the director of Longlegs and The Monkey, has just pitched an incredible Darth Vader production we'd love to ...
Lucasfilm has officially confirmed the main four panels at Star Wars Celebration. What do these panels tell us about the ...
Hot off the success of Longlegs and The Monkey, director Osgood Perkins has presented a superb idea for a Star Wars movie. Speaking to fans during a Reddit AMA, Perkins was asked by one fan, “Is there ...
A brand-new Star Wars concept short film has me absolutely convinced that we need a live-action Clone Wars project as soon as ...
Star Wars is one of the most recognizable brands in the world, and there are legions of fans who have watched all of the movies many times over the years. That said, there is one version of the ...