Pope Francis emphasized Mary Magdalene’s transformative encounter with the risen Christ as a model for personal conversion.
Local Catholics will be formally introduced to the newly installed Archbishop of Milwaukee during a special Mass next month.
When a new senior housing and care facility opened in Corcoran, its leaders wanted to make a concrete connection with the ...
A mix of classic homemade soups like chicken noodle, chili and New England clam chowder, as well as new flavors like chicken cordon bleu, chicken taco and stuffed pepper soups, will be available by ...
At the general audience in the Paul VI Hall the appeal for the region of North Kivu, the region of the Democratic Republic of ...
The liturgy used by the church in Alexandria in Egypt is attributed to St. Mark the evangelist ... had no single administrator until Pope John Paul II appointed a Major Archbishop in 1992.
Daniel Coughlin enjoyed playing golf in the warm Florida sun, taking his grandchildren for rides in his golf cart, and watching Syracuse University basketball on television.
Virginia Purta enjoyed playing tennis, golfed and created long lasting, close friendships with neighbors and friends.
We hold true that "The glory of God is a human being fully alive" (St. Irenaeus 2nd Century), and that our Creator's grace and blessing is an invitation for us to help all others on their life's ...
Jesus’ kin—his mother and his brothers and sisters— are standing “outside” the house while a crowd is seated around Jesus who is “inside” the house. The crowd listens to Jesus while his kin are ...