As mentioned above, Fisch has some cute doll-like non-fish items called Totems. These can be found on various islands and ...
Moby is the harder of the two whales to catch. First, you need to ensure that whales are caught before you even go try to get Moby, as it won’t be caught if others aren’t gotten first. Second, Moby’s ...
Song Of The Deep is not an ordinary relic in Roblox'sFisch, as it differs from the others in its method of obtaining and its enchantment mechanics. You can't simply catch Song Of The Deep just by ...
Roblox’s Fisch frequently adds exotic or secret ... Once you use the Tempest Totem to bring the rain, you need to refresh the weather again if it doesn’t spawn the whale event.
For those who don’t know, Tempest totem summons rain in the game and can be purchased from the Terrapin Cave (20, 140, 1860) for 2,000C$. Once the rainy season is active, wait for the Blue Whale ...
How To Spawn Blue Whale Migration Event in Fisch The Blue Whale Migration event has a 20% chance of spawning during the rainy season. To activate the rainy season in the game, you can use the Tempest ...
There are multiple Secret Fish in Fisch, but all of them are hard to ... Some are available in rainy weather, so you’ll need to use Rain Totem to speed up the process. Since their catch rate ...
Weather manipulation in Fisch grants you access to unique fish ... one of which is the Smokescreen Totem. The Smokescreen Totem makes the weather foggy, allowing you to catch species like the ...
Fisch's latest update features a variety of new ... Below are the stats of these fishing rods: You can also use the Aurora Totem to boost your luck further. Once you have all three items, return ...