According to statistics from the reserve, there are currently 30 green peafowl patrol officers and over 400 infrared monitors ...
The peacocks of Pittencrieff Park have welcomed two new birds to their aviary. The peahens called Ruby and Sapphire are two-year-old Indian Blue sisters. The pair are currently in the medished until ...
My question is, could the vitamin K2 be responsible for my clear arteries, and if so, why don't doctors recommend K2 first ...
Sri Lanka’s newly appointed minister of agriculture K. D. Lalkantha told the Parliament that farmers should have the right to ...
Florence City Council passed second and final reading of an ordinance banning ownership of several exotic animals, including ...
Unity is not a virtue Sri Lankans, especially their elected representatives, are known for. This fact has been borne out once again by the ongoing argy-bargy over a census of some depredatory animals ...
Chaminda Silva The government has requested farmers and villagers to assist in a countrywide census of wild animals, such as ...
My question is, could the vitamin K2 be responsible for my clear arteries, and if so, why don’t doctors recommend K2 first rather than jumping to statin scripts? -- D.D. ANSWER: Vitamin K2 is widely ...
The peafowl (Pavo cristatus) has emerged a new threat as it rapidly expands its range across Sri Lanka. Image by Priyanath Kotalawela. Buddhi Marambe, a professor of crop science of the University ...
Curious about the peafowl at Hollywood Forever Cemetery? Deeply beloved by staff and visitors, the birds are known for their vibrance and for bringing comfort to mourners. They roam the grounds freely ...
For decades, peacocks roamed freely in the village on the shores of Okanagan Lake, 20 kilometres north of Penticton, ...