The magnetic north pole, on the other hand ... at a resolution of 3,300 kilometers at the equator—a pixelated view of our planet’s invisible forces. The new WMM2025 improves that resolution ...
Earth’s magnetic north pole has been shifting gradually for centuries due to the movement of molten metals in the planet’s outer core. In the 1990s, magnetic north began to experience an ...
The vortex appears to be part of a huge filament of solar plasma that the space agency says broke away from the Sun’s surface and is now circling the north pole like a tornado. Unfortunately ...
NOAA projected a Kp index of 3, measured on a scale of zero to nine, for Saturday night, indicating heightened auroral activity far from the North Pole that ... the aurora’s view line.
As destination and dream, the North Pole has few peers, and of those whose dreams led them there, Erling Kagge has few peers ...
"I wanted so badly to set off for the North Pole this year, but without the necessary funding, it just isn't possible," she said. Capt Chandi earned two Guinness World Records after a 922-mile (1 ...