In his home office in Durham, Duke neuroscientist Richard Mooney shows a series of images of a bird's brain on song. In one, ...
The song of the chingolo can be heard across South America. But young songbirds were no longer learning the tunes of their ...
In another, squiggly lines trace the ebb and flow of chemical signals in the reward circuit of the bird’s brain. “Their songs don’t sound like much at first ... In other words, any effort at singing ...
In another, squiggly lines trace the ebb and flow of chemical signals in the reward circuit of the bird’s brain. “Their songs don’t sound like much ... any effort at singing activates ...
With a robust presence at the Series Mania Forum, Catalonia's audiovisual sector is showcasing the significant strides it has ...
Heathrow said it didn't know when power would be restored — raising the possibility that the shutdown would last longer than ...
This past week, in a quest to find refuge in nature and away from the coming apocalypse, I installed the Merlin Bird ID app to help ... and was stopped by this line: “It has also often been ...