Noel Clarke says The Guardian acted as “judge, jury and executioner” when it published allegations of sexual misconduct and ...
The Royal Courts of Justice (Nick Ansell/PA) PA Archive The journalists behind the articles, Lucy Osborne and Sirin Kale, are expected to give evidence, while Guardian editor Kath Viner has also ...
The court heard the Guardian editor in chief Kath Viner and her deputy Owen Gibson were personally involved in the publication of the stories about Clarke, and are due to give evidence in the libel ...
The court heard the Guardian editor in chief Kath Viner and her deputy Owen Gibson were personally involved in the publication of the stories about Clarke, and are due to give evidence in the ...
If you don’t know the name Kath Ebbs by now, well, you’re homophobic (for legal reasons I must preface that was a joke). Arguably one of the original Instagram influencers, Kath is an actor ...