Magazine. "Stripping the rooms of Melania's choice of drapes and furniture was one of the first things Jill did as first lady ...
Behind the velvet drapes, Sam Smith dined under the radar ... they can utilize at their convenience to go in and out.” Jill Biden was one of the elite customers to sit in the partly restricted ...
Jill Biden gave the president-elect a handwritten ... Joe Biden kept the gold drapes that Trump had in the office, and that had previously been used by President Bill Clinton.
Joe and Jill Biden are stepping up to support the Democratic Party amidst its leadership crisis, with offers to fundraise and ...
Jill Biden has largely stayed out of the political fray, but many observers seem to think that a recent Instagram story was ...
It's long been rumored that former First Lady Jill Biden and former Vice President Kamala Harris don't get along. But where ...