A Surrey historian has been uncovering Guildford’s forgotten secrets by trawling through the remains of North Street and ...
Cleric ‘belongs to the company of the very greatest down all the ages who have adorned the historic name of Armagh’ ...
After the Seedswap seed will be made available in local libraries, including on the first floor of Guildford Library, and at various local events. Attendee Fiona Giles said: ” This is the second ...
Guildford Council has unanimously approved Allies and Morrison’s controversial plans to preserve a country house in a ...
Family-owned construction firm Beard has enjoyed the most successful trading period in its 133-year history. Latest results ...
Plans for flood defences that could make previously unusable land in Guildford available for new homes are being showcased this weekend. The Environment Agency said it is looking to expand safety ...
So in a move that gobsmacked her grandson, she bought the century-old general store in the Victorian goldfields town of Guildford, 100 kilometres north-west of Melbourne. New challenge ...