Despicable Me, the animated film that revealed the Minions, is back on Prime Video from February 1, 2025 and on Netflix from ...
Zabien Burns, 35, and Bethany Hill, 27, have been jailed after they filmed themselves repeatedly sexually abusing a ...
Serial criminal Zabien Burns and his accomplice, Bethany Hill, have been condemned as "monsters" after they filmed themselves ...
Zabien Burns, 35, and Bethany Hill, 27, filmed themselves repeatedly sexually abusing the "vulnerable" girl on multiple ...
Despicable Me, the animated film that revealed the Minions, returns to Netflix on February 16, 2025. A humorous adventure for ...
A “DISGUSTING” couple repeatedly filmed themselves as they raped and sexually abused a child in one the UK’s “most horrific” ...
A "depraved" rapist has been sentenced to life imprisonment after he and his perverted girlfriend inflicted horrific sexual ...
Gru, the Minions, and the three girls return for more hijinks in Despicable Me 2. Gru is called into action by Lucy Wilde (Kristen Wiig) to investigate a mutagen stolen from the Arctic Circle.
An inquiry into the bombing in 1998 also heard how a then teenager described it as their ‘final loss of innocence’.