How can our governor talk about Alaska food security and not mention the fact that we still harvest hundreds of millions of ...
The bill would require designated seats on the seven-member board to represent commercial, sport, and subsistence sectors, ...
Samples taken from mine wastewater and Sherman Creek, where the dead fish were found, showed no obvious signs of pollution.
Sustainable fishing policies passed in the 1970s have backfired in rural Native villages, where many family-run boats have ...
Decarbonization of the fishing fleet has been a target of environmental activists in recent years, but now cuts to funding ...
In celebration of Women’s History Month, The, Women’s Igloo #7 is continuing to feature the life stories of Ketchikan’s Pioneer women. This is the third installment ...
Craig Morris, CEO of the Association of Genuine Alaska Pollock Producers, joins Catch the Current hosts Amanda Buckle and Lorin Castiglione live on the show floor at Seafood Expo North America in Bost ...
The hydrokinetic turbine pilot project, scheduled to launch in June, is a partnership between the Native Village of Napaimute ...
Commercial fishermen and seafood processors and distributors seeking to convert to new, lower-carbon emission systems say ...