Bruno Dumont’s action-fantasy satire is all the greater for its loving, quasi-documentary attention to ordinary life.
Soderbergh is after all the man who borrowed one of the inexplicably sexiest scenes in all of cinema—the edited dissolution between the pre- and post-coital married couple played by Julie Christie & ...
Whatever direction you want to travel, north, south, east or west, here are some great Florida spring break options to ...
There’s something undeniably magical about camping at night. The day might be filled with hiking, fishing, or exploring, but ...
Goofy and Pluto host a breakfast on property ... this resort was built to resemble a 1940s hunting and fishing lodge. Guests get a taste of local charm, outdoor fun and the Disney magic.
fishing and everything Gettysburg from the 100 days of Taps, the Gettysburg Film Festival to a walk on the battlefields with his wife Kelly, he often declared that they were "goofy in love" and ...