The Despicable Me franchise centers on Gru, a super-villain (who later becomes a dad and superhero); his yellow-coloured Minions; and his three orphan girls, Margo, Edith and Agnes.
Or will the mischievous minions drag him into another adventure entirely, perhaps in a Minions 3? Here’s everything you need to know if Despicable Me 4 is the last and final movie or if there ...
Despicable Me 3 has once again become a trend, this time within the Netflix catalog. This week, it has managed to surpass other titles and establish itself as the most-watched movie worldwide.
From the original ‘Despicable Me’ film to the ‘Minions’ prequels, here’s where to stream every movie in the animated comedy franchise llumination/Kobal ...
Illumination, maker of Despicable Me, Sing and The Super Mario Bros. Movie, has built its animation empire by mostly staying close to a childlike outlook. Illumination’s in-house mascots ...
The first film, which debuted in July 2010, has led to an entire franchise of movies, spinoffs, short films, video games and even theme park attractions. Despicable Me stars Steve Carell as the ...
Looking to catch up on Gru and Minions’ hilarious misadventures? Here’s how to watch and where to stream every movie in the Despicable Me franchise in chronological order. Before they found Gru, the ...