This hilarious musical adaptation of Dav Pilkey’s Dog Man spin-off series, Cat Kid Comic Club, is written by Kevin Del Aguila and Brad Alexander—the team that brought you Dog Man: The Musical.
Amanda Forrester /
[email protected] Bestselling children’s author Dav Pilkey is coming to Michigan on his book tour. Pilkey is ...
To some, “Cat Kid” might be their first experience with live theater. It might be what inspires someone to write their first comic, or pursue their creative passion. It might even teach adults about ...
Comedian Pete Davidson and “Dog Man” author Dav Pilkey join TODAY to discuss their exciting new movie adaptation of Pilkey’s ...
One month after his split from pregnant Megan Fox was revealed, Machine Gun Kelly debuted a dramatic new hair transformation, ...
The playful anarchy of author-illustrator Dav Pilkey's bestselling "Dog Man" series, about a hero cop who is part-man, part-police dog, is now on screen in a new animated film, with comedian Pete ...
It's hard to believe, but as author and Illustrator Dav Pilkey recently told students at Boy's Prep in the Bronx, he created Dog Man back when he was in second grade. "He looks a little bit ...
When you’re a cat parent, it can be tempting to want to spend money on your cat. Of course, having pets does cost money, and you’ll need to buy things like food, toys, and treats fairly regularly.