Thousands of black bears live in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula. Here are some tips for staying safe as they ...
India is home to four distinct bear species: the Sloth Bear, Asiatic Black Bear, Himalayan Brown Bear, and Sun Bear. These ...
Black bear mating season takes place during the summer, but embryos do not begin to develop until the mother bear enters her ...
They are the only bear species in the state, and, despite the name, their fur ranges in color from blond to black. It’s been ...
California's black bears are clever, resourceful and opportunistic. They eat anything and everything--fruits, nuts, insects, human food and pet food. They love bird feeders. They poach mountain lion ...
If you like your backyard sans bears, it’s time to remove birdfeeders. As spring arrives, Michigan’s 12,000 black bears are ...
A bear biologist with the Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife is asking people to start bear-proofing their backyards now ...
Development in Florida is encroaching on black bear habitat, leading to increased human-bear encounters. Florida Fish and Wildlife is considering a bear hunt, which is controversial due to a ...
Estimating black bears’ numbers is a fraught exercise ... Whatever has happened with the bear population, we know for sure that reports of bear-human interactions have gone up.
East Greenbush police have issued a warning to residents about the presence of wild black bears in the area. In a Facebook post, police advised,Although they a ...
For the first time ever, images of black bear cubs have been captured by wildlife cameras in a park in the North Bay.