"When I say, 'Hey, I want you to go run this by Bill ... Under Gates' leadership, Microsoft had launched several primitive ...
These days, we often hear about the importance of failure and the role it may play in launching or advancing our careers. It seems, after eons of lambasting people for even the most ...
PETER LAZENBY is fascinated by a book of cartoons that shows how newspaper cartoonists were employed to, on the one hand, denigrade and, on the other, to defend the miners’ strike of 1984-85 ...
So, whether you’re a serious collector, a casual browser, or just someone looking for a fun and quirky way to spend a day in ...
Bill Gates says the most personal and revealing moment of his memoir Source Code was "the question of whether to say ...
In Source Code, Gates describes his early life and career. But the man dubbed ‘ruthless’ by many of his peers, is largely ...
Bill Gates found a kindred spirit, a social connector, a confidant, a study buddy, and a true business partner in Steve Ballmer, he writes in his new memoir, "Source Code: My Beginnings." ...
Bill Gates says that if he were young again, he'd be afraid of more than just the atom bomb. "There's, you know, about four or five things that are very scary, and the only one that I really ...
Bill Gates said he grew up worrying about nuclear war, but future generations will have to be concerned about that as well as bioterrorism and climate change—to name a few. Bill Gates has laid ...
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation trust holds a highly concentrated portfolio with just a handful of great stocks. The investments are heavily influenced by Gates and long-time trustee Warren ...
Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer's partnership at Microsoft began at Harvard, with Gates offering Ballmer a 4% stake to join the company in 1980. They shared similar goals and skipped lectures ...
Bill Gates with a printout of the Altair BASIC source code from 1975, one of Microsoft’s earliest software artifacts. Click to enlarge. (Gates Notes / Ian Allen) [Editor’s Note: Microsoft ...