Cloudy urine in women can occur due to many reasons such as UTI, STI, kidney stones, dehydration, vaginal infection, and more ...
The drug Blujepa, from drugmaker GSK, provides a new treatment option as bacteria increasingly become resistant to the ...
A scientific team from the University of East Anglia, in the United Kingdom, identified in the urine of a group of men a number of bacteria that are linked to a very aggressive type of prostate ...
Mexican company Henkel Capital S.A. de C.V. recalled its contaminated Tec Italy shampoo that was distributed in New York and ...
White blood cells in urine are a sign of inflammation and may mean there is an infection in the kidneys or urinary tract ...
A urine culture can confirm which bacteria are causing the infection. Knowing the specific type of bacteria allows the doctor to determine a suitable treatment plan. A condition called ...
In collaboration with Medical Detection Dogs, Professor Jane Davies and her team at Imperial College London have discovered ...
Cloudy urine is usually a sign of dehydration or an infection like a UTI or STI. Cloudy urine can also be a side effect of your diet or if you're taking certain medications. In rare cases ...
Urine dipstick demonstrates higher sensitivity and specificity than laboratory urinalysis for diagnosing urinary tract ...
CarbGeM is starting with bacteria from urine samples, in partnership with the National Center for Global Health and Medicine (NCGM) and Kobe University. The technology identifies 20 major types of ...