MCU films follow a set formula—quips, exposition dumps, CGI battles, vague villains, and post-credits teases—balancing fun ...
For every Thanos, there's a Marvel Cinematic Universe bad guy like Kang who simply underwhelms on-screen. Here are the 10 ...
Naturally, when many cinemagoers who didn’t know Refn’s unique style from a hole-in-the-wall sat down to watch Drive, they got angry. And probably bored ... A24 creating fun Etsy pages for Charlie’s ...
Have you ever heard someone describe your favorite movie in a way that completely changed your perception of its story ...
Jean Grey faces off against the Mad Titan himself in Phoenix #9, hitting stores on Wednesday. Check out the preview below to ...
The president of the United States, the man with the nuclear codes, is angry, emotional and acting erratically. That’s not my judgment — it’s basically what his own Cabinet defenders are saying.
Mahir Pandhi, who plays Bali in Veer Hanuman, compares the character with Marvel's Thanos. (Also Read: Sayli Salunkhe recalls being confused before agreeing to play Mata Anjana in Veer Hanuman ...
Democratic donors — from bundlers to small dollar donors — say they are still angry about the election results and uninspired by anything their side has put forward since then. “I’ll be ...
I’m so angry that they did. And I’m sorry you’re in this position. Will make sure nothing happens about this. I love you.” Elsewhere in the exchange, the sender notes that she told police ...
After a monthlong honeymoon for the G.O.P. at the start of President Trump’s term, lawmakers are confronting a groundswell of fear and disaffection in districts around the country. By Robert ...
“The American people are... angry. And they’re rising up,” CNN’s Harry Enten said, referring to recent polling that shows Musk is increasingly unpopular. Enten, though, noted the outrage ...