Since “This Is Us” aired its series finale in 2022, star Sterling K. Brown has mostly focused on films, including “American Fiction” which brought him an Oscar nomination.
Brown tells PEOPLE what it was like reuniting with the pro of suprising premieres, 'This Is Us' creator Dan Fogelman, for their new series, 'Paradise'
Your TV GPS, a look at the week ahead in television, appears every Monday morning on Today’s column covers Jan 28-Feb 2.
The Oscar-nominated star of American Fiction and This Is Us on racial ‘box-ticking’ in acting and his new Disney+ political drama, Paradise
Reese Witherspoon and Will Ferrell starring in the wedding comedy “You’re Cordially Invited” and The Weeknd's album “Hurry Up Tomorrow” are some of this week’s new streaming entertainment releases.
The actor and creator tried something much less weepy this time: a sci-fi thriller. Still it was “a homecoming on so many levels,” Brown said.
You may want to tune in for powerhouse performances from the likes of Sterling K. Brown, or to see what emotional devastation “This Is Us” creator Dan Fogelman has up his sleeves this time.
WHAT IT'S ABOUT Xavier Collins (Sterling K. Brown) is a Secret Service agent tasked with protecting President Cal Bradford (James Marsden) while he's in office, and afterward — while Bradford's ...