The biopic Lee, starring Kate Winslet, tells the story of the revered war photographer Lee Miller, exploring her unique lens ...
The Roman empire was at its height when a deadly disease caused devastation to its population, economy and military prowess.
The author of Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four witnessed some of the early 20th century’s most significant flashpoints, ...
Inscribed on the stone fireplace of the State Dining Room of the White House are the words: “I pray to Heaven bestow the best of blessings on this house and all that shall hereafter inhabit it. May ...
The words ‘latrine’ and ‘disaster’ should give a clue as to how between 60 and 100 members of the Holy Roman Empire aristocracy succumbed to a spectacularly foul demise. Gathered in 1184 in an ancient ...
Test your knowledge with our general knowledge weekly history quiz... Save 76% on the shop price when you subscribe today - Get 13 issues for just $45 + FREE access to ...
Written by Graeme Garden of The Goodies fame, here’s a drama that tells the darkly comic tale of John Romulus Brinkley (1885–1942), a quack physician who transplanted goat testicles into men. Brinkley ...
This new game flips the script on what you may have come to expect from war-based interactive experiences. Of course, war has long been a source of inspiration for video game designers, but even if ...
In 1862, at a time when interest in ballooning was still at its height, two Victorian men began a flight to make a series of ...