It shows a mother polar bear walking through the frozen landscape — then a cub pops up out of the den ... challenges with the expansion of the human footprint in the Arctic,” Archer said ...
That milk contains around 30% higher fat content than human milk ... and judging by the way that this mama bear is playing with her young polar bear cub, we are guessing that their journey ...
Changing the timing of denning could potentially jeopardize cub survival as cubs have ... of potential clashes between polar bear denning areas and human activity. “This study provides a rare ...
Dr Archer says: 'Polar bear mothers are having increasing difficulties reproducing due to climate-driven changes, and are likely to face further challenges with the expansion of the human ...
“Polar bear mothers are having increasing difficulties reproducing due to climate-driven changes, and are likely to face further challenges with the expansion of the human footprint in the ...
They explained that cub ... "Polar bear mothers are having increasing difficulties reproducing due to climate-driven changes, and are likely to face further challenges with the expansion of the ...
Cub survival underpins species survival ... enabling the reduction of potential clashes between polar bear denning areas and human activity. "This study provides a rare glimpse into one of ...